ICCI Qld has organised a new exclusive event for the next 12th September:
the Opera Dinner!
This unique event will take place at Viale Canova Restaurant, one of the most famous italian restaurants in Brisbane, winner of the Restaurant & Catering Awards For Excellence 2010, awarded with Ospitalita` Italiana Quality Seal and member of ICCI Qld.
the Opera Dinner!
This unique event will take place at Viale Canova Restaurant, one of the most famous italian restaurants in Brisbane, winner of the Restaurant & Catering Awards For Excellence 2010, awarded with Ospitalita` Italiana Quality Seal and member of ICCI Qld.
If you want to attend to this event, please fill this booking form out and send it to us by email at
events@icci.com.au or by fax at 07 3392 1022.
events@icci.com.au or by fax at 07 3392 1022.